Bill's Adobe Photoshop Blown Sky & Diet Pill Actions

Action created by Bill Richardson  © All rights reserved.

Click Here To Download Diet Pill/Blown Action
Bill's Adobe Photoshop Blown Sky & Diet Pill Action
Action created by Bill Richardson  © All rights reserved.

Download & Installation Instructions: The download of the Bill's Action is extremely fast due to the small compressed file size. The name of the file is: The file must be unzipped to extract the action file named dietblownsky.atn. This action eliminates those extra pounds that the camera adds. It is based on a technique on Avondale's Secret's of the PS Masters featuring Jeff Schewe. This action is also used to correct those blown out, white skies. It is NOT for improving an existing blue sky.
If this is an upgrade to an earlier version of the Blown Sky/Diet Pill Action, delete the old action version from the Adobe Photoshop action menu. The dietblownsky.atn file must be placed in the Presets/Photoshop Actions folder that is located in the Photoshop program folder. Click on Photoshop Help ---> Search ---> and enter "action" for the searched word. The Adobe Photoshop section entitled "Saving and Loading Actions" explains the exact location and procedure for the action file depending on the type of operating system you are using.
In the Adobe Photoshop Action Window, click on the little circular arrow located in the top right hand corner of the window. Select Load Actions and then select the file dietblownsky.atn. The new action will only be displayed if you copied the dietblownsky.atn action file into the correct directory.
Please DO NOT send any email questions to Outdoor Eyes regarding the installation or use of the Diet Pill/Blown Sky Action. Thank you.

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